What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral Therapy was developed by Dr. John Upledger, an osteopathic physician. It is a light-touch approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction while improving whole body health and performance.

Just as our breath has a rhythm and hearts have a beat, the Craniosacral System has a Cranial Rhythmic Pulse which is produced by the production and re-absorption of cerebral spinal fluid. A Craniosacral Practitioner monitors that rhythm to evaluate your internal environment, trace areas of weakness and identify the original source of dysfunction by using a light touch that is equivalent to the weight of a nickel. Tension is released with delicate manual techniques to improve the form and function of the central nervous system.

Every day the body endures physical, emotional and mental stresses and strains, but the body can only handle so much before the tissues begin to tighten and potentially affect the brain and spinal cord. This can compromise the function of the central nervous system and the performance of nearly every other system in your body. Craniosacral Therapy releases those tensions to allow the entire body to relax and self-correct.

What is a session like?

Receiving Craniosacral Therapy is a deeply relaxing experience. Because the touch is so light, the body does not put up a defense so the practitioner can immediately drop into the Parasympathetic Nervous System (rest & relax) to facilitate the treatment. The client is clothed lying down comfortably on a massage table. A session begins with gently holding parts of the head, back, sacrum and feet to monitor the rhythm of the fluid that is flowing around your central nervous system and assess where adhesions or restrictions are. A treatment protocol is administered with a light touch working all of the body, primarily the sacrum, torso and head. Sessions can be 60 or 90 minutes.

What to wear?

Loose, comfortable clothing

Limited Jewelry

No belts, perfume

What conditions does it benefit?

*Migraines and headaches

*Chronic neck and back pain


*Stress and tension related disorders

*Brain and spinal cord injuries

*Head trauma

*Chronic Fatigue


*TMJ Syndrome


*Central Nervous System Disorders

*Post Traumatic Stress Disorder